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 Reality vis-a-vis Energy And The Economy
Rangeishot 5k posts, incept 2021-11-18
2022-01-04 08:36:51

Drifter wrote..
Wish we could get some European cars over here. Drove a VW Up, diesel, for two weeks. My god what a fun car and the MPG was insane-- 55mpg.

Friend's daughter drives a 2013ish diesel Chevy Cruze. He spent about $3K to uncork it -- tune, no DPF, no SCR / DEF -- she regularly sees 70+ MPG on her highway commutes. But we're in FL where you can still get away with that. Heck, his Chevy 2500 pickup will manage 50s on the highway. I wish I could get something like that into our Jeeps. It's a shame what the econazis have done to diesel power.

"Joe Biden is an old, broken-down pile of crap." -- Trump
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