Once Upon A Time...
The Market Ticker - Cancelled - What 'They' Don't Want Published
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2021-09-24 05:03 by Karl Denninger
in Covid-19 , 13148 references Ignore this thread
Once Upon A Time... *
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... in a not-so-tiny nation called Spain, a nursing home had a nasty virus get into it.

It was March of 2020.  The nasty virus was called Covid-19.  And this nursing home, like so many others all over the world, was full of elderly, morbid people.  The mean age of residents was 85 and 48% were over 80 years old.  It was a killing field, like so many others.....

Within three months 100% of the residents had caught the virus.  Not presumed to have -- proved to have.

How do we know this?  Because almost every one of them seroconverted.  All but three out of 84 of them, to be precise.

Think about that last sentence for a second.

Almost every one of them seroconverted.

How's that possible?  Many of them died, right?  You can't seroconvert if you're dead.

No.  Not only did nearly none die none went to the hospital either because they rapidly figured out how to stop the virus from killing people -- and did exactly that.

You would have thought this would have been all over the news.  In point of fact not one mention of it was made.  Further, not one write-up was made in medical journals either until January of 2021, which I missed.  My bad -- out of the several hundred medical journal pieces, I missed this one.  It was brought to my attention on my forum and my jaw immediately hit the floor.

The jab train must continue, you see.  So must the ventilator train.  So must the money train, the mask train and the rest of the BS we have endured for the last 18+ months.

So must the slaughter for money, the fear, and the lies.

So what did these few nursing homes do that nobody has done since and nobody reported out at the time?

1. Early start of treatment, regardless of the severity of patient symptoms.
  - Antihistamines every 12 h: dexchlorpheniramine 2 mg, cetirizine 10 mg or loratadine 10 mg.

2. Patients with mild or recent-onset symptoms (cough, fever, general malaise, anosmia, polymyalgia):   
   - Azithromycin 500 mg orally every 24 h for 3 days if there is rapid improvement, and for 6 days if the duration of symptoms is prolonged.
   - If pain or fever, acetaminophen 650 mg/6–8 h.
   - Nasal washing and gargling with sodium bicarbonate water (half a glass of warm water with half a teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate).

3. If symptoms of severity (dyspnea, breathing difficulty, mild or moderate chest pain, with SpO2 <80%, heart rate >100 beats per minute at any time of the process):
   - Antihistamines + Azithromycin (see mild treatment management)
   - Levofloxacin 500 mg/12 h, up to 14 days of antibiotic treatment from diagnosis.
   - Mepifilin solution, 50 mg/8 h as a bronchodilator, until subjective improvement. Patients with previous lung disease (asthma or COPD) used their usual bronchodilators.
   - If the patient experienced increased breathing difficulty, prednisone 1 mg/kg/day divided into two doses until clinical improvement, and then it was slowly tapered down.
4. Prophylactic treatment for close contacts, including all asymptomatic residents:
  - Antihistamines at the same dose as symptomatic patients.

Ed 9/25 11:30 - Reformatted the cut section; it got mangled by the forum.  Still not what I'd like in terms of formatting, but at least it's readable now... and one typo corrected.

Look at that top line.

Cetrizine is otherwise known as Zyrtec.  Loratadine is otherwise known as Claritin.  Dexchlorpheniramine is not often-used in the US anymore, but it used to be.  The other two core drugs were Azithromycin and Levofloxacin, both common antibiotics with the first being the infamous "Zpak" from the HCQ+Zinc+Zpak combination that a fraudulent study was used to discredit.

Both of the first two antihistamines are available over the counter in most nations including the United States.  The dosing they used is twice that on the label.  The two antibiotics are both available anywhere for little money.

Before they started treating people three residents died.  The entire group of them had the common maladies of old age -- hypertension, diabetes, COPD, cardiovascular disease.  Most were using a huge range of existing drugs for their conditions (5 or more.)  

As soon as they started treating people the following happened:

All of our patients evolved satisfactorily and were recovered at the beginning of June. No adverse effects were recorded in any patient and no one required hospital admission. At the end of June, 100% of the residents and almost half of the workers had positive serology for COVID-19, most of them with past infection.

Not one adverse event occurred among these residents and staff and no hospitalizations were necessary either.

In pooled data 28% of the residents in similar nursing homes over the same time period died.  In these two, once they started treating with cheap drugs, leading with those available over the counter in the US, ZERO -- I repeat -- ZERO had a bad reaction to the protocol, ZERO died and ZERO were admitted to a hospital for treatment.


It was one hundred percent effective.

Yes, it's a small sample.  Go do the statistical math on the CI for that size sample and results if you insist.

According to the mechanisms of action described, these drugs would act synergistically in the early stages of the disease, which is why we consider it essential to start the treatment as soon as possible. Once the virus has colonized the respiratory system, the effectiveness is probably more limited, and hence the failure of these treatments in more advanced stages of the disease, when hospital admission is necessary. In our experience, early double antibiotics were effective to control the process in cases with moderate symptoms.

Nobody cared.

Nobody reported on this.

Nobody duplicated it either.

I didn't even realize this study existed; had I known of it guess what I would have added to my protocol when I got Covid-19 the first week of August of this year, since it happens to be in my medicine cabinet already for seasonal allergies?  Uh huh.  Two 60ct bottles of generic Claritin equivalent costs about $12 at WalMart.

Folks, think about this long and hard: In the worst-case scenario for those who this virus should have killed -- it killed nobody.  It should be killing statistically nobody today -- right here, right now.  How to prevent it from doing so was discovered in March and April of 2020 and intentionally ignored worldwide.

It is still being ignored today.

With these numbers there is no reason to fear a Covid-19 infection.  There is no reason to take a vaccine.  There was never a reason to develop a vaccine, especially the ones we have today; infection that does not produce severe disease is sterilizing and thus wildly superior to vaccinated immunity which is now proved to be failing worldwide.  There is no reason to wear a mask.

Every single one of these residents seroconverted and became immune with mild or moderate symptoms consistent with seasonal colds and flus and not one of them was put into the hospital or killed. The treatment is so goddamned cheap and available there's no excuse to not use it instantly on suspicion of infection and prophylactically among everyone else in your household at first sign of trouble.

You think the entire load of BS around HCQ and Ivermectin is bad?  This is a thousand times worse.

Those who died did not do so due to a "novel coronavirus"; we knew how to treat that infection successfully for pennies in March and April of 2020.  Yes, in the first month or two people died because we did not know.

Beyond April of 2020 people died because we let the medical system and governments murder them for profit and they're still doing it today.  We, the people, have allowed this.  We have failed and refused to rise up and hold accountable, personally, every single hospital, doctor, so-called "hero" nurse and every single politician across the globe.  They willfully and intentionally slaughtered millions on a global basis.

The answer to the problem -- to Covid-19 -- was known in March and April of 2020 and yet not published until January of this year, and even then not one single bit of media attention nor a single mention from Fauci, the CDC, the NIH or FDA has been made, all in the interest of Moderna and Pfizer's stock prices and the power-mad jackasses on an international basis -- at the cost of your loved ones' lives.

That wasn't an accident and it still isn't one.

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