The End Of Trump
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2020-06-29 11:41 by Karl Denninger
in Politics , 2999 references Ignore this thread
The End Of Trump *
[Comments enabled]

It's over folks.

Oh, I know, Tulsa didn't mean anything and the Trump campaign is "disputing" the Fire Marshal's attendance figures.

Oh, it was Covid fear.

Oh, it was protesters blocking access to metal detectors (and the "much-vaunted" right-side cops didn't clear said protesters?)

Oh, Sleepy Joe.

Oh, socialism.  Oh, Marxism.  Oh, AOC or Ilhan.

Oh, it was this or that.

Yeah, whatever.

It wasn't that roughly four years ago Trump promised to get rid of medical monopoliesthree separate bullet points on his campaign web site.  Three!  Unprecedented for a political campaign, and all three disappeared within 15 minutes of the election being called for him.  I know because I was watching the returns in a Pensacola Bar with my laptop tethered to my phone and saw them disappear.

It wasn't the promise to get rid of chain migration repeated throughout the campaign which also disappeared and nothing has been done.

It wasn't the promise to stop H1b abuse which every single tech company loves (and thus makes their stock price go up), and which of course he also did not do.

It wasn't his promise to get rid of birthright citizenship by whatever means necessary including executive order.

It wasn't his signing of every Democrat spending bill, without exception, including a government shutdown for which he got nothing in return.  It's not like this is the first time for such bullshit either; Reagan, if you recall, got a promise to cut spending out of Tip when he was President in exchange for his tax cuts.  The spending cuts were never even proposed yet Reagan never enforced that bargain.

It wasn't his repeated and outrageously false claim he was going to "build the wall" nor his repeatedly and outrageously false claim about miles built which are in fact nothing more than fence repairs on existing fences, nearly all of which can still be defeated with tools bought at Home Depot.

It wasn't his push for "ventilators" by the tens of thousands, including compulsory construction of them, which factually killed thousands of Americans and which we knew were worthless against Covid-19 in February as that very same device killed damn near everyone that was put on one in Wuhan.  After all, people attend campaign rallies for someone who killed their Grandfather all the time.  If you're stupid enough to believe that you'll believe they'll vote for said people too.

It wasn't Trump's willful and intentional destruction of tens of millions of American jobs over a false set of claims related to Covid-19, nor his willful and intentional refusal to call Fauci and Birx out on their bullshit on national TV.  Never mind Trump's own repeated claims that his actions "saved millions of lives."  Like hell they did.

It wasn't Trump sitting back and letting federal felonies by the score be committed, including willful destruction of federal property, arson and worse after the death of Floyd, including the commission of said federal felonies by self-admitted and avowed Marxists.

It wasn't Trump, after chanting "lock her up" for two years, refusing to demand an AG that will actually bring charges for trivially-proved federal crimes, including willful mishandling of classified information -- crimes that other, non-politically-protected persons have done hard prison time for.  How many of Hillary's crimes have resulted in people being locked up thus far, may I ask?

It wasn't Trump, after railing about how "unfair" tech companies are, also refusing to use the 100+ year old statutes carrying 10 year prison terms to indict said firms and their executives for their blatant, in-your-face rank violations of 15 USC Chapter 1, along with every single hospital and pharmaceutical company executive.

It wasn't Trump putting his socialist relatives Jared and Ivanka effectively in charge of both major parts of foreign and domestic policy.

It wasn't Trump taking a gigantic shit all over the 2nd Amendment with his "bump stock" nonsense.  For the man that claims to "honor" the 2nd Amendment where is the E/O mandating Constitutional Carry nationally, backed up with an order to the FBI to arrest any state or local official who tries to prevent same?  Shall not be infringed isn't clear enough?

It wasn't Trump knowingly, willingly and intentionally abusing The Federal Reserve system to screw every retiree out of the ability to earn a safe return on their nest eggs, destroying their purchasing power and now sowing the seeds of the nation's economic and fiscal destruction, acts that will make the late 1970s trashing look like a cake walk.  Oh, and Trump not only did it he gloated about it too.  At least when Nixon threatened the head of the Federal Reserve he did it behind closed doors.

It wasn't Trump sitting back and letting Florida and its Governor shit all over its residents who voted for a Constitutional change to restore the voting rights of felons who had completed all of their sentence, but then watched as that amendment was unconstitutionally modified after being enacted so that anyone who committed a crime and screwed someone financially now gets away with it and can vote anyway.  Election integrity doesn't matter to Trump, despite what he says.

It wasn't Trump who personally all but ordered states to shut down after hyping a very expensive medical device that in fact is at best worthless and likely kills people with severe Covid-19, ventilators, including I remind you literally commandeering an automobile plant to make the very devices that kill those who they are used on in the course of this disease.

It wasn't Trump who did not tell Florida to go suck eggs on the basis of the Commerce Clause when they put up barricades and mandated 14 day quarantines for people from certain other states, an act that is for all intents and purposes identical to an interstate barrier on commerce and is thus unconstitutional on its face, and by sitting back and cheering on DeSatan now has that blowing up in his face with the targets of same turning the tables on Floridians.  Trump cheered on DeSatan in his original act and by doing so he gave Cuomo and the others the means to destroy interstate commerce and thus further destroy the economy, which of course is exactly what they want given that there's an election coming up. This order effectively shuts down business travel between those states and specifically targets businesses in certain statesthe original order was constitutionally impermissible for the same reason but rather than stomp on DeSatan's micropenis and tell him to cut that shit out immediately or he would send the FBI down to the border and arrest everyone running said checkpoint on federal charges and throw them in prison Trump cheered it on -- and is now going to pay for that in spades.  Oh, by the way, Interstate Compacts are illegal too unless explicitly authorized by legislation passed by Congress (and signed by the President or passed over his veto) so that makes two separate constitutional violations in one announcement.  WHERE IS TRUMP ON SENDING THE FBI TO ENFORCE THE CONSTITUTION AND WHERE WAS HE ORIGINALLY?

It wasn't Trump's failure to cite the two decades of research on masks in the context of respiratory viruses with multiple random controlled trials, including those of health care workers who are trained in proper procedure, that have found they're worthless.  Instead his very own "task force" shows up with masked people on the podium.

Sure folks, it wasn't any of those reasons (and many more) that made people decide to say "aw, fuck it and fuck you" -- and not show up in Tulsa.

Oh I know, let's blame the "deep state" and "courts." The same courts that just ruled that even a blatantly unlawful E/O cannot be overturned or simply ignored by the next administration.  Given that standard why not just issue a bunch of "unlawful" E/Os and be done with it or tell the courts to screw off and start deporting people?  When challenged on that ask said courts "with what army are you going to attempt to enforce your blatantly unconstitutional order"?  Make them live by their own rules, in short. 

And none of this intentional, willful failure -- not accident, not "deep state", nothing but Trump's lies to his base and intentional destruction of the common man for the benefit of a bunch of rich real-estate, pharmaceutical and banking moguls will result in any of those voters deciding to say "aw, fuck that" and sit at home, drinking a beer, on election day rather than going to the polls and voting -- right?

Mr. "Reality TV", where fantasy and scripted shows are claimed to be "the product of real decisions made by real people and not rigged" tried to bring that sort of deception into the realm of political policy where real people get fucked in the ass on a daily basis and it doesn't end when their hour is up on TeeVee -- it's real and it goes on forever.  How's it feel to be a participant in four years of "Wrestlemania"?  Let me guess -- you believe that someone can get clocked with a table then immediately get up and continue to fight.

May I remind you that Florida came within a hair of voting in a meth-using, male-prostitute-hiring Governor just a couple of years ago and has been on the cusp of that sort of insanity since the year 2000?

May I further remind you that instead of telling all of the mask-wearing idiots at "press conferences" that there are decades of settled science on respiratory viral transmission and all of it concludes that masks do nothing he has instead "gone along" with those who have tried to ram that down your throat too?

May I remind you that the so-called "social distancing" 6' "rule" came out of a 15 year old's science fair project which has never been subjected to any form of scientific study, replication or peer review, Trump's "task force" has repeatedly touted same, and in many areas it has nearly the force of law across the United States?

And may I finally remind you that he just sat back and let DeSATAN shut down bars in Florida again on the back of a case surge in the state which was primarily found in two counties in the SE part of the state THAT HAD NEVER REOPENED THEIR BARS. 

While those counties are indeed heavily "blue" how many votes will go "Red" among the servers, owners and other employees who just got thrown out of work AGAIN across the state?  I remind you that a Presidential contest totals votes across the entire state; county results mean nothing.

What are Trump's odds of winning when, not if, he loses Florida in November?


There will be no cheating or ballot games required.  The Democrats could run a chimpanzee slinging its own scat at voters waiting in line and win.  Donald J Trump has delivered nothing of what he said he would -- not on health care, immigration, illegal invaders, demanding the return of American manufacturing or anything else.  He has refused to stand up and tell the truth when it comes to Covid-19 as well; that the science says this is mostly a manually transmitted virus and not primarily aerosol which is why we're not having a material impact on transmission rates.  In addition what Trump has done is commandeer an American company to make machines for the purpose of killing your grandmother along with signing every Democrat dream-and-spend bill; at that he had actual success.

Put a fork in Trump folks, like it or not.


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