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 Corruption Much? (NIH)
Contra-2 117 posts, incept 2020-04-21
2020-06-10 11:14:05

Fauci and his Christine make a cute little couple. The Elite must be filled with similar psychopathic unions. They highlight the fact that the Master Race is a tight Club. They seem to be signaling one another through high level meet-ups, and obscure publications out of think tanks, and such. Jim Rickards has a good bit to say about this crew.
Based on nothing but instinct, I'd guess the Club forms out in increments of 3 - an inner circle of 300 , a select group of 3000, a privileged group of 30,000, and, perhaps, an outer circle of 300,000. These numbers may well be totally off but they serve a point. That tiny group thinks the rest of us are throwaways. The Masters have all but said that 19 out of every 20 people not in the Club (all 7.7 billion of us on the Planet) need to be eliminated. I'm sure Mr. And Mrs Fauci wouldn't have any problem with that.
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