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 It's Called Evolution, Gentlemen (Tickerforum Changes)
Roundabout 188 posts, incept 2009-10-16

I don't blame you one bit, Karl. What you are planning is pretty much what I did years ago, although possibly not for the exact same reasons. I haven't paid on a mortgage since 2001 (and paid cash for my present home, using profits from the sale of previous home, by a bit of luck and good timing). I haven't paid for a car loan since, I don't know, maybe 25 years ago or more. I manage my stock holdings and live off dividends and savings, so I haven't had to pay a cent in income tax (fed or state) in at least 10 years. Although I'm far from rich, I have a decent amount in savings to pad my dividends out, so I'm doing just fine so far with that. I shop at 99-cent stores and find I can get most of what I need at a fraction of the price there, and use CL for other things I need (non-food items). So I have zero debt, zero (taxable) income, no mortgage, no kids, no car loans. No handouts from gov at all, either - zero.

I realize I am an anomaly among my friends and relatives, they just can't figure out how I was able to stop working at age 40 and been able to keep going for almost 15 years straight till now. They probably think I must be doing something illegal or immoral - nope. Just good planning and doing that planning when I was young. I had some pretty hard knocks early on that taught me some valuable lessons. I learned from those experiences what not to do (mostly by using the same friends and relatives as "anti-examples").

Since I have had no (W-2) earnings in years, when I get my SS statements, my purported payment when I "officially" retire has been hit. The way I see it, I don't think it will be there anyway, and if it is, the amount won't buy anything worthwhile. In short, I've done everything I can up to this point to minimize my footprint, and minimize my interaction with the gov and IRS (and all legal, there's no income to tax!). After nearly 15 years of this, I have gotten pretty good at it now. There's still work to be done, of course, but I think I'm far ahead of my friends and peers in this regard.

Now, if there just were a way to avoid property taxes legally...maybe I could start a church? Naw, I think it's more likely that gov will start taxing them soon enough when as it gets more and more voracious. So, for now, I can't do anything about the property tax, but I have some long term plans that take me to a country where there are no property taxes (yes, there are still some out there today).

Whatever you decide to do, Karl, I wish you very good luck and success. I've learned a lot from reading your tickers over the past few years, and I appreciate all your efforts. Maybe I haven't been a regular/constant contributor here, but I've been happy to just read all your comments and those of other like-minded people on this forum and learn. Thank you for all you have done.
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