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 It's Called Evolution, Gentlemen (Tickerforum Changes)
Uwe 10k posts, incept 2009-01-03

I've been reflecting on this Ticker for two days now, which included a 600 mile drive yesterday. First, like many others here, I need to say, Thank you, Karl for the education you've provided to me over the last 5 years.

KD wrote..
My decision will not change until America changes. Until it wakes up. Until the people demand and the government of this county, this state and this nation recognize everyone's fundamental rights -- that shall not be infringed means what it says.

In my opinion, people won't wake up until after we've had a real collapse. Let me give you just one example: On a gun forum I sometimes visit, one of the regular posters recently asked what people would do if they saw someone peaceably walking down the street OCing a holstered pistol and a rifle slung over their back. OC is not legal in the state in that this forum is based in. The majority of responses were "Call the police." Why? "Because it's illegal". So what? Is it wrong? Are the laws of that state compatible with the Second Amendment and the basic, unalienable rights in the Declaration of Independence? Well, it turns out that many of them don't believe in unalienable, natural or god-given rights; they believe that government grants rights, and of course it if it can grant them, it can take them away. And again, this on on a freaking gun forum. I'm very disillusioned.

KD wrote..
At the end of the day you have to be able to sleep with yourself every night. And unfortunately there can come a point where the cost-to-benefit ratio is simply all out of whack.

The cost-benefit ratio for me personally is not out of whack yet. As you know, I own a very successful business in a field that's effectively unregulated. O-Care is annoying, but it won't make it untenable for me to continue. Still, I fully expect the day to come when Leviathan does something that will lead me to conclude that it's my time to go on strike indefinitely as well.

To prepare for that, I'm now putting all of my surplus into creating my own miniature version of Mulligan's Valley in the Blue Ridge Mountains. OK, it's not a valley, it's actually more of a ridge line. In June, I started with a house on 43 acres. Today, I added an additional 65 adjacent acres. Next will be additional 48 and 18 acre parcels adjacent to the 65. For the time being, I'm keeping my purchases contiguous, but if anyone else is interested, there's plenty of land available around here, e.g. a 200+ acre parcel a mile up the road for under $1400 / acre.

Yes, buying up property means paying property taxes but those are quite low in this county (typically 0.5% of assessed value or less) and local county governments especially in counties like this one (pop. under $15k) are not the problem. There's no zoning and no real restrictions on what you do with or on your property here. Wanna keep livestock? No problem. Wanna shoot your guns? No problem. Wanna clearcut some woods and use or sell the timber? No problem.

Anyway on some level I feel like a scab for not joining immediately, but I think everyone has to decide for themselves when they're ready. I'm not quite there yet, but the way things are going, I know it' inevitable that I'll get there.


"Corona Virus will come and go, but government will NEVER forget how easy it was to take control of everyone's life; to control every sporting event, classroom, restaurant table, church p
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