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 It's Called Evolution, Gentlemen (Tickerforum Changes)
Dasman 108 posts, incept 2010-06-27


I read a crap ton of stuff on the net... (probably more than I should). In 2005 I was warning my friends NOT to buy houses... that they would likely loose their bums when, as the math suggested at the time, the bottom came out of the banking system. With interest rates at lifetime lows, versus the rush to write CRAP paper, I just had a real bad feeling... and I could NOT get past the math of things. Sure enough, the ones that thought I was a bit dramatic, and poo pooed me, are very polite and respectful... and a couple have apologized and said they wished they had listened.

When I found The Ticker, right as the MERS (should have been a) scandal broke, I found someone who was pragmatic, a great analyst of things economic as well as political, and who was as outraged as I was at the lack of action on the part of the "authorities" in response to "business as criminal enterprise"

That was Karl Denninger on The Market Ticker.

(Now, of course, we know that the reason things are the way they are, is because we have a defacto fascist government, and it would be that way if McStrain was president, as well.)

So The Ticker has become one of my "GO TO" daily visits to read the news. I haven't always agreed with you... we are different free people... but I have always respected you putting yourself out there, and not pulling punches. We agree on most things of import, and politically, we're damn close to being "next door neighbors".

My TV gets turned on for 1 or 2 hours a month, or not at all. (Yes, it's time to pull the plug on my cable, just for starters... thanks for the inspiration in your post and direction, and to those who chimed in about living more simply)

I will miss the daily reality checks from The Ticker... and wholeheartedly congratulate you on your decision Karl!!!



Dave Y
The Peoples Republic of Lawrence, KS

smiley smiley smiley

Reason: Salient addition, of course!
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