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 Medical Care And Medical Choices
Sean 2k posts, incept 2009-04-21

Karl, this ticker nails it!

it is never out of order to state the plain truth.

In Oceania it is Karl.


I work out quite a bit but have never jogged and about 4 weeks ago wanted to a test to see if I could run a mile without dying in the process.

I do some cardio in my workout but more strength but anyway my result was I did a 10 min mile the first time and was only a little winded. From then after I could do two miles in 20 mins without stopping and felt good immediately after too.

As for a collapse, yep it's a comin! and not just in healthcare only.

Sucks too because I need 10mg Prednisone a week for congenital aplastic anemia an extremly rare type of aplstic aneima blood disorder - only about 1000 people in the world have it.

BTW, on the Alzhiemers thread. IMO it very well might be because of all the checmicals that are out environment like BHP in plastics, mercury, Aluminum cookware (think TV dinners) (thanks Clint), shit in the air, capets, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc, etc. Over time they build up in the body and unless you sweat them out (or get them out some other way) and don't keep putting them back into your body you will be sick. Along these lines I will still exercise lots but my natural doc sells (and she uses one too) these "personal Saunas" - Relax FIR Sauna. As far as she knows daily profuse sweating is the best way to rid the body of toxins in the cells, etc. I will be getting one in about 2 weeks and will keep all updated. (and no, INS does not cover my natural doc)

GEN 5:32,GEN 7:6, 6/17/1689, 6/17/1789, 10/13/1917, 10/13/2017 (???)

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