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 Medical Care And Medical Choices
Wineaux 559 posts, incept 2009-03-23

Congrats Karl. Losing 50lbs is no easy task and you are walking/talking proof that it is possible to achieve without the use of surgery, miracle pills, and miracle diets. You did it all by simply getting off your duff and applying mathematics to your diet.

As someone who has exercised 5 times a week over the past decade +, the key to maintaining a steady fitness routine is to make it a HABIT, much like waking up and brushing your teeth. Convincing oneself that exercise is mandatory and experiencing the transformation of the mind starting to crave it is powerful stuff. More importantly though is your diet and what you CHOOSE to stuff down your pie hole. Success starts and ends with being able to make the difficult decision to stop consuming toxic foods. If you can't get your diet right you're wasting your time, period!! Here too, I've found that changing ones perception of food, works wonders. There was a 3 year stretch in my life where seeing foods such as: Big Macs, french fries, doughnuts, Twinkies, etc... would literally make my stomach turn. It was powerful stuff. My only vice continues to be the wine bottle. Oh well...

Lastly, if you are planning on making jogging a central routine in your exercise profile make sure you get fitted for proper running shoes. Over the past 2 years, I shifted my routine to more outdoor running and as a result of incorrect fitted running shoes (I was running in New Balance that were too narrow), I've developed Morton's Neuroma in both feet. I've recently switched to Brooks wide width and my feet thank me on a daily basis :-). I will also get fitted for a custom orthotic next month.

What wine goes with unemployment?

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