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 Medical Care And Medical Choices
Fisticuffs 1k posts, incept 2007-07-28

1) If you a serious about developing fitness, have as one of your goals to be able to do a pistol squat. Additionally, in terms of building leg strength, I advocate doing single leg squats with a smith machine. Don't even worry about adding weights to the bar for a while.

2) My preference is to keep fat calories low. 10-20% fat, 20-30% protein, 50-70% carbs. Keeping fat down is easy: avoid oils (whether as a separate food or as part of food such as potato chips or salad dressing) and cream, for meat consume skinless chicken breast and fish. Since you're not pushing ZERO fat you can have a small amount of cheese etc. That pretty much takes care of fat.

3) If you exercise a lot it is important to have carbohydrates. The real culprit as far as carbs go is fructose, whether in HFCS, by itself as fruit juice (vs. eating actual fruit which has fewer fructose calories, has fiber, etc.) or consumption of large amounts of sucrose (which is one part glucose, one part fructose). Physiologically, fructose is metabolized into glucose in the liver, and when the liver has supplied its glucose needs additional fructose is converted into triglycerides (fat, the same fat you'd get if you ate a lot of cheese, butter, red meat, etc.). Because people consume too much fructose they end up with large amounts of triglycerides which are either stored as fat or float in the bloodstream giving you thick, rich barbecue sauce blood (and clogged arteries).

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