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 Medical Care And Medical Choices
Gantww 1k posts, incept 2011-04-22

Kettlebells are actually pretty safe, once you've got the basics down. It also helps that it doesn't require a partner, so I can do most of my workouts in my back yard (I still go to class weekly to tweak and improve my technique though). I find it works better for me because I'm not isolating down to a single muscle group, but rather using the same set of muscles I would use in regular everyday movement all together. There is a bit of a learning curve, mostly because most modern adults have developed asymmetric movement patterns or dysfunctional movement patterns that can produce injury. I've had substantially better results with it than with my previous attempts at gyms attempting to use machines or even just regular weights.

But I'm lucky in that I have a good friend who is a master RKC and flies all over the planet doing seminars.

I haven't gone full primal, but I'm pretty darned close most of the time. I've found that my meals taste better without all that crap, so the transition was pretty easy for me.

Pissing on the host in the middle of the living room with guests present is a pretty good reason for the host to forcibly remove one from the scene, in my humble and correct opinion. - Jack_Crabb
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