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 What *IS* This Nonsense? (Electric Cars)
Ee4fire 1k posts, incept 2011-03-24

While we have come a long way in battery technology for small low power devices (thank you space program), we have a long way to go for large high power devices. Electric motors when starting need a large amount of current to start the motor, then as the motor gets up to speed requires less. Starting and stopping for an electric car as expereinced in city traffic requires a large amount of power. This why the hybrid technology is required to keep the battery charged and prevent loss of power.

When battery technology can meet the large demand an electric vehicle requires for 200 to 300 miles and combuned with the ability to quick charge, then a total electric vehicle will be a reality. Research for this has been going on for years and has years to go.

The laws of physics can be a bear, just like the laws of fiscal policy.

Gov't is the great fiction, through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else. - Frederick Bastiat

The gov't is a money laundering operation from our bank acc
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