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 What *IS* This Nonsense? (Electric Cars)
Bertdilbert 2k posts, incept 2008-12-22

Here is the number 1 reason it will not work. Gas and diesel fuel is heavily taxed. If we go electric, the state and fed will lose the tax revenue. They will replace the tax over to electric rates to recoup the funds. If you are not factoring in future taxes to replace the fuel taxes you would have paid, you deserve a lump on your noggin.

Reason for fail number 2

All I can see is we are going a hell of a lot of copper for both power generation, transmission, transformers, motors etc. This will totally jack the price of copper to the moon. Again, the price of everything now changes.

Copper is going to be a much bigger problem than lithium. Keep in mind that these governments may change the royalties on the lithium mined at any time to cash in as well...

Small scale, little impact. To move a nation our size and everything changes and we have to deal with new math.

As to compressed air, you are driving around with a potential bomb in the event of an accident and the structure of the bottle becomes compromised. Assuming it passes safety muster, it is still going to take energy to compress the air and nothing is free. Again a tax on the air would have to be added to replace the lost revenue on the petrol products. This option would still have a higher copper use.

I just do not see compressed air doing the job. A standard large air bottle is about 260 cubic feet. A lot of air tools run on 20 cfm and above... You would be able to run a 20 cfm hand power tool for exactly... 13 minutes. Someone is blowing smoke up your rear with compressed air powered vehicles. End of discussion.

Dear Euroland: Relax, Germany has a plan for your money!Political Capital Defined: We are out of money but will tax our citizens for whatever it takes to "SAVE" the Euro.
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