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 What *IS* This Nonsense? (Electric Cars)
Mannfm11 9k posts, incept 2009-02-28

Sounds to me like you would be better off buying a golf cart.

I wonder if the world is smoking dope when they come up with these ideas? What kind of power grid would have to be built if even a fraction of US autos went to electric? If they came up with smart meters, which would bill at non-peak hours, they would make sense to charge at those times on timers, until a really cold spell hit, then the grid would go down in the middle of the night. A smaller battery with a combustion motor on board makes a lot more sense. There are clearly efficiencies with such a setup or the rail roads wouldn't do it.

To this point, it appears they are pissing in the wind with this stuff. The true source of broad based energy efficiency is to design an entirely new city. Put the service streets underground, the population in the middle at a density of about 80,000 people per square mile and the industry around the perimeter. you couldn't drive into the place. Such density would put most consumer necessities only a few blocks away. The big box retailers would hate it. 500,000 to 800,000 people would probably be max size, but we are talking population in 6 to 10 square mile areas. There is an amazing amount of stuff you could put on a 2 mile perimeter of such a layout. Want to go somewhere? Go to the edge and rent a car. I believe a prototype city of this sort, with cooperation from enough multinationals to provide employment, could be done at a fraction of the cost of buying electric cars for the next 20 years for 800,000 people. In my opinion, urban design will be a lot more important in the realm of energy than electric cars.

The only function of economic forecasting is to make astrology look respectable.---John Kenneth Galbraith
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