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 CHRISTmas Musings.....
Tz 785 posts, incept 2007-09-18

Merry Christmas.

But looking at what is happening you should believe even more in God - his justice is part of the whole. If anything, the doubt should be that we aren't being judged faster and harsher. If the pro-lifers are right...?

And no one can see him with a single drop of pride - hubris - in their eyes. Even if they state a belief it ends up being "see how wonderful I am, God MUST accept me" when Jesus noted the Pharisees were sons of hell. Or forgetting our works are as filthy rags, and we ask if God exists, why isn't he blessing MY ideas, MY works, MY words, MY MY MY. Oh My. If you doubt God exists, try humbling yourself before him, and ask for his mercy. And what acts and words he want to bless others with through you.

I'm not sure if you are finally truly coming around to the "constitution as a whole" idea but if so, it would be wonderful. Perhaps some ghost akin to those Marley heralded came. Before it was banks and only the banks. Nothing else is important, nothing else matters. Now you do worry about the TSA. And the other violations of the bill of rights. I have pointed out long ago that you cannot credibly simply unshred a different 20% of the constitution - If it is a living document, it is a dead letter.

Although in parchment, it is not quite set in stone, something like the 12 tables or the 10 commandments, yet amendable. Every line has to be recognized in the original intent and reasoning and every line must be enforced if there is to be the rule of law. Not just the lines you like or think important at the moment.

It is the greatest embodiment of natural law produced by the mind of man, hopefully under the guidance of God. To reject natural law is to say the constitution is merely a co-equal set of rules, much like monopoly, chess, and scrabble are games differing only in rules. And interpreting it only works with reasoning - which is natural law. The founding fathers sought to quantify and qualify the requirements of nature for the society of men and wrote down what they found like a scientist would write observations in a journal.

I would also note that the Wilsonian amendments were all evil and should be repealed. My prayer is not to undo things to the point of FDR - that was just a consequence of the 1910s just like what eventually happened in Germany. It is to go back before Wilson, and even undo some things Lincoln set to make the Federal government more powerful.

The reason we keep having the same corrupt system win is because each small part only advocates for their few lines of the constitution and either accepts or even desires the usurpation of others. Guns, gays, and God is NOT the constitution. But neither is "get the banks".

We will only win when both sides start saying "The Constitution!" first, and the rest are just details deriving from that original position. There are freedom rallies with Thomas Woods (Nullification!) and Naomi Wolf (Letters to a young Patriot). Democracy Now (to the left of Al Franken) celebrates WikiLeaks, as does Ron Paul and many on the paleo-conservative right.

Put the constitution as understood by the founders first, and you will get the return of the rule of law and justice and Leviathan will be slain - and it is that same corruption protecting the lawbreakers as well as violating the innocent. Put anything else first, and you have already lost the argument because it has become one of pragmatism instead of principle. Or as the old joke goes, "Madam, we know what you are, we only have a disagreement on the price".

"I am become debt, destroyer of worlds"
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