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 To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations)
Great American Patriot Pika-steph 57k posts, incept 2007-09-11

Since much of this discussion was prompted by the Restoring Honor Rally, I think some people might want to see what Glenn Beck's view really is on 'wedge issues' - I think most people are missing what he is trying to say and do.

Ironically, if he were to read Karl's Ticker, he would agree 100%. Why do I know this? He says so. Right here (despite Bill O'Reilly repeatedly attempting to drag him into debate on the wedge issues):

Natural Law - in its TRUE meaning IS EXACTLY what people need to understand. Unfortunately, there isn't a public school in this country that teaches a single thing about it and most of the populace wanders in the darkness.

"Obama is the dark-center of the anal fissure of a chancre infested, hemorrhoid laden ******* preparing to pucker and spew endless jets of diarrhea."--Chthonic

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