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 To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations)
Mikek31 4k posts, incept 2009-05-04

DJIA is well above the March 2009 lows.

So what? J6P's pissed because he doesn't have money and had to take it out of 401k.

Interest rates are at 60 year lows.

Doesn't matter to J6P - he's paying 30% on his credit cards.

Stimulus spending can't be seen as a failure.

Polls show more people worried about the economy than anything else. If J6P's on funemployment, he's gotta get a job. So the first thing on his mind is can I get a decent job other than burger-flipping? What if he gets laid off again, or fired, will there be unemployment next time if the government doesn't go broke? Is J6P going to be taxed to death to pay for this profligate government spending?

And don't even get me started with working J6P, who has two choices: work harder, or get fired.

Not to be an ******* or anything, but it sounds like you're giving the Dems too much credit and J6P too little...

Intentional manipulation of markets is usually thought of as a crime, not a benefit, and should lead to indictments, not praise. -Karl

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