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 To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations)
Eleua 24k posts, incept 2007-07-05

Ark wrote..
The day gay people have the same rights as heteros will be the day these Parades stop.

It's the only thing that would make the Gay Thing a Non-Issue.

Enjoy that delusion. We were told the same thing that if Obama was elected, the "race card" would be over as a strategy. I seem to recall the "post racial" America.

It is played now more than ever.

Appeasement has never been a winning strategy. Gays have been saying "just this one more thing" would be needed for them to shut up. They are now at marriage, and won't stop there.

Diversity + proximity = WAR

-The facts do not care about your narrative. The "GREAT NOTICING" continues apace.
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