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 To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations)
Eleua 23k posts, incept 2007-07-05


It isn't.

It is the gays that are trying to change millenia of social customs, not the Christians. It is the gays that are rubbing their behavior in the faces of people that want nothing to do with it and daring them to do something.

In the US we have a cultural norm of tolerance. That's a two way street.

If you want to shove a carrot up your ass and listen to Jefferson Airplane at 3am, that's your right. If you do it in such a fashion that I can't reasonably distance myself from it, you are not holding up your end of the bargain.

Gays went from the "love that dare not speak its name" to the "love that won't shut up." They are actively pushing their lifestyle in neutural areas of our society (public schools and civil governance) as to make those that disagree with it being forced to either accept it or actively oppose it.

If two guys want to play house and pound ass, NOBODY cares. IF they want to intrude on social norms that have been outside their domain for the entirety of Western Civilization, you have to expect some blowback. Pushing back to retain the culture isn't necessarily religious, but anti-religious zealots love to construe religious bias in everything religious people do so as to trump their actions with the higher secular ethic. It's essentially the "race card" of social constructs.

A few weeks ago, I put Pd down pretty hard when she was presuming the hatred Christians have for gays and what is said in churches. In 25 years of church attendance, I have yet to hear one sermon on the evils of homosexuality. Most Chritians (certainly not all) have a pretty wide tolerance for gays to do whatever they want, so long as they keep the other half of the deal when it comes to tolerance. Most gays do. Enough gays do not, which is where the problem lies.

When I was a teen, the San Francisco gays would have a whopper of a "Gay Pride" parade in San Francisco. It was their thing and nobody in the 'burbs really cared. They tried to do one in Concord, California and they got lots of blowback from the community and their permits were ultimately denied.

It wasn't that the Concord gay population needed to express themselves. They had SF for that. It was the avant-guarde SF gays that had to rub their gayness in the faces of more traditional families in the 'burbs.

That's what pisses everyone off.

Diversity + proximity = WAR

-The facts do not care about your narrative. The "GREAT NOTICING" continues apace.
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