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 To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations)
Augmentedfourth 156 posts, incept 2010-04-16

To ancient Aztecs - cutting out the still beating heart of a human sacrifices (including children) was the highest order of good.
To a large percent of Muslims - killing, raping and enslaving infidels is the highest order of good.
To Hindus - Attacking, ignoring, prejudicing against and letting die for people in lower order castes is perfectly good.
To certain Pacific Tribes - eating your enemy was the highest form of good.

To Christian Fundamentalists - bombing abortion clinics and killing innocent employees is a noble honor.
To Christian Warriors - slaughtering muslims during the Crusades was god's command.

Don't you see? Your ENTIRE argument that YOUR book is the only one that teaches the TRUE meaning of "right and good" is based on evidence rife with CONFIRMATION BIAS. People take the SAME EXACT WORDS that you say solely and incontrovertibly steer human action towards the "greatest good" for all, and use it to their own purposes too. Unfortunately, the words found in the Bible are just as easily used to justify evil purposes as those in the Koran.

As well, you confusion correlation with causation. 'Islam'(or whatever) doesn't cause terrorism. It just simply happens to be the predominant belief in a region with the right mix of socioeconomic conditions to allow it [terrorism] to thrive. If Christianity was dominant in the Middle East, perhaps it would be seen by outsiders as "violent". Now religious differences definitely play a part in how their political process works and with more 'christians' they might have more freedom and opportunity. But that is besides the's about freedom vs tyranny & fascism.

Look at Ireland. There was plenty of terrorism over there ALL IN THE NAME OF JESUS.

ANY platform of religious dogma dictating law or political process is just as inherently restrictive and antithetical to the philosophy of liberty, NO MATTER WHAT BOOK IT COMES FROM!


What is "good or evil" without God? Without any footing for moral actions - anything can be rationalized as good or evil. You can just make it up as you go along. Good actions can be whatever society thinks it is with the popular culture at the time
To others without that kind of influence, doing "good" can be radically different.

Not to overstate my point. But you logically contradict yourself again! It's somewhat arrogant to insist that the sole sole reason that YOU are right is because of your FAITH. While at the same time you cite other peoples FAITH in different axioms or dogmas to be the the main source of evil in the world. Sorry that argument does not work at all on a logical or philosophical basis.

This isn't a discussion about moral philosophy; That could last days. However, don't kid yourself into thinking that just because YOU can't reasonably derive a framework of human "goodness" without using the Bible, that no-one else can either.

Besides, the whole idea of virtue is meaningless without freedom. Forcing people to follow religious "rules" to achieve some utilitarian outcome, arguably defeats the entire Biblical notion of "God given FREE WILL."

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