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 To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations)
Eleua 23k posts, incept 2007-07-05


If you are going to run exclusively on fiscal issues and how you want to jail all the crooks and bailout babies, you had better hope we get cracking on that next leg down in the DJIA.

By my watch, we have two months.

The Left knows they are vulnerable on this and if you are going to campaign on how all the bailouts are bad and you are going to stop it, you had better look out the window and take your eyes off your briefing book.

DJIA is well above the March 2009 lows.
Interest rates are at 60 year lows.
Stimulus spending can't be seen as a failure.

I disagree with the premise and understand all the Tickers of the past year, but J6P only knows that he either has a job or Funemployment, he still lives in his house, and that the stock market is in the 10K range. He doesn't look at any closer details.

If you say you are going to take away all the .gov support and jail those that engineered "the recovery," the Dem is going to bash your brains in. Couple that with the fact you steadfastly refuse to confront any assault on your character or standing before your base, and 11/3/10 could be the biggest headline in 150 years.

If you want to spend your campaign teaching macroeconomics and the finer points of capital formation, you will be talking to empty auditoriums.

I still want to know three things:

When was the last successful third party campaign in the US?

How many elections in the modern era (post 1968) were lost because the Fundies scared everyone off? (GOP point of view)

How many elections in the modern era (post 1968) were won because the Fundies showed up to vote in a reliable fashion? (GOP point of view)

Diversity + proximity = WAR

-The facts do not care about your narrative. The "GREAT NOTICING" continues apace.
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