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 To The Tea Party (And Related Organizations)
Ishmael 5k posts, incept 2008-02-25

Wcvarones says -- You obviously just have a wingnut Tea Party there in Niceville.
How can you say that. What about that wacko guy who supposedly was the head of the teaparty up in Sacramento who had that letter to or as Abe Lincoln. That sounded very racist which gives the impressions that teaparty people are a bunch of country bumpkins.

I have been a Republican for 30 years but when George W. Sr. started courting the Moral Majority I did not vote in that election. I did not vote for George W jr the idiot because of his romance with Fundamentalists (among other issues). I also did not vote for McCain for various reasons as well as Fundamentalism. (I did not vote in either of these elections. I am originally from the south and left 25 years ago for lots of the weird stuff they use to say. What was that young guy that was always fronting for the Moral Majority. He always reminded me of a young nazi.

If Tea Party people want to win they have to stay out of the wedge issues and stop telling people how to live their lives. PERIOD. As the joke use to go in Oklahoma, "Why do Baptist not have sex standing up, because people will think they are dancing." When people start telling me that the Grand Canyon was carved in the great flood and such crap you lose the vote of people like me.

Hope is neither a good strategy or birth control methodology!

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